Sunday, July 31, 2011

St. John Nepomucene (Corner of 66th and 1st) July 24, 2011

Okay, this mass made me a little depressed. This was a last minute choice, went to the last mass on Sunday morning (I believe it was the 12:30 pm). While the church itself is pretty, there were only 25 people attending mass. In a large church, a small number of people just makes it feel lonely.  I hope the church is crowded at other masses -- there was a Slovak language mass before our mass, so I hope that one is well attended. The priest was on the younger side, but unfortunately I couldn't hear him very well. The sound system was pretty bad. Afterwards, an elderly lady was telling the priest that she wasn't sure if she was going to be able to afford the air conditioning this month due to the heat wave, so she had been spending a lot of time at the Irish bar down the street. Which was both funny and sad at the same time.

Afterwards, we first went to Java Girl. A coffee shop on 66th street. It was adorable, but the minute we walked in my companion made a face, said "we can't stay here" and walked out. I hurried out after him expecting he saw something terrible, like racist literature or dead rats behind the counter, but no....the reason why we had to flee the coffee house was because it SMELLED LIKE COFFEE!!!! Seriously, that is what I am working with. I don't know what else to say to that except I apologize to Java Girl and promise that I will try it again, sans cranky coffee smell hating companion. Next we tried Bagel Works on 1st Avenue, but there was no place to sit. This Godhattan session was shaping up to be an epic fail. Then we ventured into a Mexican restaurant, Aprovecho ( with me totally expecting a loud declaration of a sudden allergy to guacamole or South America or something similarly ridiculous, but a quick glance at the menu passed muster and we sat down.  The place is cute, very colorful with friendly service. Quite simply, the food was cheap and start we ordered a plate of The Works Nachos....I appreciate that they come in small and large. We ordered the small for $5.95 and they were perfect. There is nothing worse then getting nachos and after you get through the first layer of cheese, there is nothing but naked, dry chips. Not this batch...every single chip had stuff on it, cheese, sour cream, guacamole, onions, etc... really, really good. Next up, a chicken tamale and a steak taco platter. All was really yummy, good portions and fresh. Topped off with an ice cold corona (and a lime soda for Mr. Stick-in-the-Mud). We left very comfortably full and only cost about $30 for the two of us.

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