Saturday, August 13, 2011

#8 St. John the Evangelist (348 East 55th Street) August 7, 2011

You know those girls in high school that were nondescript? Blandly pretty, decent grades, not popular but not an outcast, had a tight group of other nondescript friends. Maybe she was the treasurer of the Spanish Club and participated in the Walk-a-Thon every year, but that was the extent of her high school involvement. However, she did have a boyfriend who was absolutely crazy about her -- thought she set the moon. She ends up marrying him after college and lives a very nondescript but content life with their two equally bland children, the American Dream -- but a boring version. (At first I was picturing Brenda Walsh from 90201 -- but only the first season, because then she got CRAAZY...and was most certainly not nondescript).

Okay -- total detour, but I googled "bland family" to find a picture to use to illustrate my completely snarky description and came across this decidedly NOT Bland family. They are a southern gospel family band that travels around the U.S. in their tour bus giving church concerts.

I am sorry, this picture still has me is from their album cover, but it looks like the evil ring leader from the Children of the Corn movie's grown up family Christmas photo -- but his wife refused to take yet another family picture in a corn field, so they changed it up this year to a wildflower field. And why is the little kid not dressed in the same color scheme as the rest of the family? Did he throw a tantrum and refuse the black button down? Or is he even in the family? Or is he the farmer's kid (hence the overalls) and just wandered into the picture? The whole thing is just weird...but still cracks me up.

Okay, back to the blog....

Well, if you were to use the characteristics of a high school girl "type" to describe a Catholic Church (which, of course, I am), Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church in Midtown East would be that girl.  Nice enough, does the job, but isn't setting the world on fire.....(gawd, I was not a mean girl in High School but I certainly am now. I am sure my mother is soo proud!); but the one thing that makes me feel better about my bitchy assessment is that just like Bland HS Girl has her over-the-moon boyfriend, I am sure that St. John the Evange has parishioners who are just crazy about the place.

Full disclosure, this church is very close to my house and it has been my "default" church so I have attended mass here several times before starting this project (and had the same bland experience every time).  In addition, I am totally annoyed with myself for having to pull this church out so early in the process. I planned to keep this one in my pocket and only use when I really needed a quick church to stay on track. Now, I don't have a back up church which probably serves me right for being such a church snob and a really horrible planner.

The Church itself is on the first floor of a much larger building that houses both the Archdiocese of New York headquarters and Cathedral High school. It looks very different from most of the churches I have visited so far, both internally as well as externally. The inside is sleek and modern, with minimalist pews that surround the open altar. I do love the hidden space under the seats to tuck the missalettes -- little secret places make me happy.

The mass was fine...lots of cute, old couples who still hold hands, which I love.  The church has this not sure of the word for it baptismal font that looks like a meteor. If it was actually made out of a meteor it would be the coolest font ever and I might have another child just to have them baptised there. You have to admit that is a pretty cool design.


I do like the open floor plan and layout out of the church.  And I really like that they have the church open all day as a place of peaceful reflection.  Again, this church is totally fine...but for  me, it needs something else...a little punch, a little spice, I am not sure what. 

Afterwards, we attended a street fair on Lexington. It didn't seem like there was any particular reason to have the street fair other than to sell junk food, cheap jewelry and touristy t - shirts. There was an unexpected celebrity sighting...Mr. Peanut! How cool is that?

He arrived in the peanut mobile but I was so excited that I forgot to take a picture.  He was just as taken with me as I was with him, proven by the gift of a free t-shirt. We also had chicken kebabs and sat on the some steps and people watched.  Good day....made even better with kettle corn (which I inhaled too fast to take a picture).

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